The Association


The Winchester Town Meeting Members Association (TMMA) is an unincorporated private association established to enable well-informed debate and decisions during Winchester town meetings through —


All duly elected or appointed and currently serving Winchester Town Meeting members in good standing, as certified by the Winchester town clerk, are members of the TMMA.  


The TMMA is an independent and impartial association organized to facilitate communications and the dissemination of information relevant to its members.  The TMMA is —

The TMMA is governed by an executive board of nine officers elected annually from among TMMA members.  

The activities of the TMMA are supported by dues payable by voluntary contribution of the members.  




The TMMA holds its annual meeting in the Fall, before the opening session of the Fall town meeting.  The annual meeting agenda includes:

The TMMA may hold general meetings during the town meeting year at the initiative of the executive board or by request of TMMA members.